The Movie Room

Saturday, May 10, 2003

Together limited release May 30. I remember reading about this way back as one of the highlights of the Toronto festival. I'd forgotten about it. Anyway, it's a about a young Chinese violinist. Look's right up Dad's alley.

Two Weeks Notice (2002) Alright Sarah, here you go. You'll love it. But only because it's no different from the dozens of other recent bland Hollywood romantic comedies. There's absolutely nothing unique or memorable about this, nothing that sets it apart. The idea seems to be get an A-list male star, get an A-list female star, insert trendy top 40 soundtrack and that equals bags of money at the box office. Sarah, I beg you, STOP FALLING FOR IT!

A cross country roadtrip, staying in motels can mean only one thing--HBO and movies I wouldn't normally watch, much less pay money for. The first night was Murder by Numbers, Sandra Bullock goes crime-drama. Bad acting, bad script, bad FX. I want those precious minutes of my life back. Roadtrip Night 2 brought us Scooby Doo. More like Scooby Dumb. Absolutely nothing even close to resembling the cartoon of my childhood. And what they did to Scrappy Doo was just sacreligious. It's almost as if this movie was made by nostalgic twentysomethings for a bit younger teeny boppers to prove how clever they are. Turns out they're not clever at all. I really want those precious moments of my life back.

And before I left, from the library there was George Lucas in Love, a parody short of the Gwenyth Paltrow Oscar winner that reveals where young film student George Lucas really got his inspiration. To say it's a must see for every Star Wars fan is an insignificant understatement. From the bun-haired student government female inspiration to the asthmatic, raspy voiced script-writing nemesis, to the diminutive professor who speaks in backwards sentences, the joy is in the details. If there's any justice in the world, it should be packaged with the eventual DVD release of Star Wars. Also on the disc were Swing Blade a parody trailer of Swingers and Sling Blade, showing Karl trying to pick up chicks. Pretty funny, but probably better had I seen either of those movies. Evil Hill crosses Dr. Evil with Notting Hill in a rather uninspired hybrid. Film Club parodies Fight Club as a group of frustrated independent filmmakers. It copies the Fight Club trailer, shot for shot, with some additional scenes, with some hilarious lines: "His name was Silent Bob. His name was Silent Bob." and "If you could shout any nude scene.... I'd shoot Shatner. William Shatner."

Peter 10:09 PM

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

I just found info on Wes Anderson's latest project, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou.

Peter 7:05 PM

Monday, May 05, 2003


28 Days Later, June 27. From the writer/director of Trainspotting, it got loads of buzz at Sundance. And that was before the SARS mess.

Peter 9:03 PM